Meet The Team
Proudly owned and operated in Bucks County, PA
Coastal Fig Company
This is Craig, I got into growing figs about 10 years ago. I bought my first few trees from Bill Lauris off his Craiglist add (is Craigslist even around anymore?). My wife ridiculed me at first, saying that she hates figs and fig newtons are disgusting. Her opinion changed when she was finally able to taste a fresh fig a few seasons later. We can't get enough now. We grow in pots, in ground unprotected, in our neighbor's yards, and more recently in high tunnels with the method called Japanese Fig Tree Espalier.
Why the name Coastal? Well I want to be up and down the east coast some day and I want figs that are sold in nurseries up here to be grown up here. Take that California!
I've got 9 kids (yes, they are all mine and my wife's) ages 11 years down to 6 months. The older ones work in the business moving pots, bare rooting plants, planting cuttings, making compost, and any other job I can give them. We're a family into figs and unique edibles and we are excited to share those passions with you and yours!
Thank you for your continued support.